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Scaling Up Sustainability Collaboration

This September, world leaders committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) in an effort to make the necessary changes to achieve a more sustainable future. More than ever, collaboration between the public and private sectors is needed to meet these important goals. As such, organizations must increase their efforts for sustainability and find innovative ways to collaborate both with other private organizations and with the public sector.

The report Scaling Up Sustainability Collaboration: Contributions of Business Associations and Sector Initiatives to Sustainable Development, was published both by the UN Global Compact and the International Chamber of Commerce, and it outlines various industry associations and how they are aiding member organizations to integrate sustainability into their business practices. Through collaboration, new and remarkable networks have been created that provide industry specific expertise for those involved in the network. This method of information sharing has led to the development of industry standards and fostered new relationships. Below are examples of important contributions made through the IAFN/PSM.

Global Salmon Initiative (PSM Member) Page 73.

With the global demand for protein is expected to increase 70% by 2050, salmon is going to play an important role in meeting this drastic increase in demand. In 2013, the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) was launched in an effort to put aside competition and reach the common goal for a more sustainable industry. The mission of the GSI members is to make significant progress towards providing a highly sustainable source of healthy protein to feed a growing population, while minimizing the environmental footprint, and increasing positive social contribution. The GSI has three key principles: (1) sustainability, (2) transparency and (3) cooperation. The GSI is comprised of 17 salmon farming companies that account for about 70% of the global industry and member companies operate globally.

The GSI focuses on improving the industry’s reputation by ensuring greater industry transparency across all members and all regions. GSI is currently establishing a series of sustainability indicators that will support global industry reporting. Next, the group plans to launch an online reporting platform in 2015 which openly shows the environmental and social performance of all the GSI members

International Agri-Food Network (IAFN) Page 75

In 1996, the International Agri-Food Network (IAFN) was created as an informal coalition of international trade associations involved in the agri-food sector at the global level. Thousands of IAFN members are international companies and hundreds of national associations. Those national associations in turn represent tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises, thousands of cooperatives and millions of farmers. The associations encompassing the network have members in 135 of the 193 countries in the United Nations. The main goal of the IAFN is to define and deliver the private sector’s commitment to addressing global poverty and food security. The network facilitates connections and coordination among member organizations and engages international organizations in the agri-food chain at a global level.

The IAFN focuses on playing the role of a negotiator between companies and associations and UN bodies to find ways to operationalize resolution documents. The IAFN does a number of activities that IAFN members are involved in to promote sustainable development.

International Fertilizer Industry Association (IAFN Member) Page 77.

The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) has 560 members. These members are involved throughout the fertilizer value chain. Over half of IFA’s members are based in emerging and developing economies. It is IFA’s vision that fertilizers will play a critical role in achieving global food security and sustainable development. They plan on achieving this through the efficient production, distribution and use of these plant nutrients.

These three organizations above illustrate the extensive efforts that are being made towards the SDGs. There needs to be an amalgamation of our traditional thought patterns with new and innovative philosophies if we want to achieve the 2030 SDGs. For more information on any of the projects or organizations listed above click here.

Morgane Danielou

Morgane has been working in international development and communications in relation to the agrifood sector for the past 15 years. She has worked for international organizations, NGOs, and the private sector. She has been a spokesperson for specific industries as well as business groups in international policy processes. For two years, she was the private sector representative at the UN Committee on World Food Security where she helped found the Private Sector Mechanism. She was also vice-chair of the Food and Agriculture Committee of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD. Morgane is passionate about building engagement with diverse stakeholders and representing civil society in United Nations processes and agencies. She has a strong background in corporate and digital communications.

Prior to joining Emerging Ag, Morgane was Director of Communications at the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA). During her time at IFA, she co-chaired the Farming First coalition. She also worked for the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). She has conducted fieldwork in Latin America and Africa. A French national, Morgane is fluent in French, English, Portuguese and Spanish. She holds a Master of Science in Development Studies from the London School of Economics, an MBA from the Sorbonne Graduate Business School, a BA in History from the Sorbonne University and a BA in Chinese from the International Institute of Oriental Languages.

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