Agriculture impacts every single person on this planet. Agriculture not only feeds us all but feeds our economy. In developed nations this industry is often taken for granted, because food is so available. We forget where it comes from. When we are facing a world full of challenges, it is often easy to be distracted by other seemingly more ‘prevalent’ problems. A recent study by the Copenhagen Consensus Center has revealed that helping agriculture do better is one of the highest impact ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The target to increase agricultural yields by 40% has been identified as one of the 19 out of 169 targets that represent best value for money.

Emerging's Key Issues in Agriculture
Emerging is a team of like-minded individuals with a wide range of experience in agriculture: from inputs to agricultural commodity trade to processing and retailing. The Emerging team has a strong understanding of the agriculture value chain as a whole and helps bring the voice of farmers to the table. Emerging plays a key role in lobbying for a stand-alone SDG Goal on sustainable agriculture: Goal 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture:
Agriculture: Great Social Value for Money – Robynne Anderson, Huffington Post 2016
Emerging focuses its work for the agricultural sector to have a positive impact on:
- Sustainable farming
- Climate change and resilience
- Agricultural productivity and profitability
- Farmer voices
- Protection and promotion of crop diversity
- Environmental impact and Biodiversity
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Health

Emerging’s projects in Agriculture
The Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA) is an organization that represents Canadian oat growers. Emerging has and is still working on different outreach campaigns, including the website: Avena Canadiense, which was specifically targeted at Mexican consumers.
Emerging Ag helped the Global Dairy Platform (GDP) to coordinate the global celebrations of the World Milk Day on June 1st, 2017.
The UN declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses and Emerging acted as the Secretariat for the Global Pulse Confederation’s IYP Activities.
The International Agri-Food Network (IAFN) was formed in 1996 as an informal coalition of international trade associations involved in the agri-food sector at the global level.