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Rio +20

From an article written by Robynne Anderson for Gaftaworld, Issue 197, August 2012

Gaftaworld, Issue 197, August 2012You may have seen the media coverage suggesting Rio+20 “just settled” and “showed no ambition”. However, the needs of farmers and the importance of agriculture are well reflected in the final outcomes.

A two year process agreed UN text on trade and food price volatility within the food security section, plus a brief additional section specifically calling for greater trade liberalisation and conclusion of the Doha round.

Having represented the World Farmers’ Organisation through the negotiating process, it was a pleasure to see strong emphasis in the agriculture section on issues that can help farmers address food security and hunger. Read the entire article (PDF, 192KB)

Robynne Anderson

Robynne has extensive experience in the agriculture and food sector, working throughout the value chain – from basic inputs to farmers in the field to the grocery store shelf. She works internationally in the sector, including speaking at the United Nations on agriculture and food issues, and representing the International Agri-Food Network at the UN.Throughout her career she has worked with farm organisations like the Prairie Oat Growers Association, the National Smallholder Farmers Association of Malawi and the Himalayan Farmers Association, as well as global groups, to further the voice of agriculture in the food debate. She has also worked with Fortune 500 companies growing worldwide businesses to assist them with issues management and strategy decisions.

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