Training Services
Emerging ag is uniquely positioned to provide a number of trainings relating to media, public affairs, market access, and communications.
Traditional media
- Spokesperson media training (preparing for interviews)
- Writing for op-eds
- Placing stories
- Social media
Writing Social Media Strategies
- Engaging Actively with your Stakeholders on Social Media
- Live tweeting at Events and Social Media Event Plans
- Digital Campaigns
- Communications Strategies
- Crisis Communications
- The United Nations Systems and Multilateral Diplomacy
- Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette
- Growth and development for small agribusinesses
- Food safety standards

Examples of Trainings we've Conducted
Client: Global Pulse Confederation
Emerging was commissioned to manage the International Year of Pulses, including all of the industry-related activities; as well as external communications. Several trainings were carried out on the below subjects:
- Managing the new “Pulse” Brand
- Market Access issues relating to pulse trade, in particular the role of the Codex Alimentarius Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)
- Media training on the International Year of Pulses key messages for pulse executives
Client: Imperial College, London
Emerging ag has been running media training sessions with key members of Target Malaria that are more likely to be exposed to the public. We have so far trained 17 of Target Malaria’s team over a period of 3 years. They have all gone through the first level and some have done ‘refresher’ courses. The training is typically a 3-hour session with everyone, reviewing best practices, with discussions and if possible short exercises. Then one on one with a video, about 1.5 to 2 hrs each of mock interview. Onsite feedback and then detailed feedback through a form and with a link to an edited video so they can review. We have done media training in both French and English, with people from the teams in the UK, US, Italy, Burkina, Uganda and Mali.
Here is a more detailed review of the media trainings:
- Interview preparation
- Practice sessions in ‘rapid fire’ mode where we match people in pairs and they get to practice a short pitch about their work and answers to a couple of pre-selected questions – we usually have people rotate through 3-4 interview partners and then get the group back together to discuss the challenges they had, what they would do differently, provide guidance etc. This is an opportunity for people to think about their key messages, how to get their points across in a short time, how they would use supporting facts or evidence, etc.
- Short interview sessions with a member of the training team on video – similar to what a broadcast media would do if they came in to do a 5-10 min interview with someone so they can build on the previous session’s practice and adding in the video factor, so people can consider body language and engagement as well as content.
- Responding to current issues: Another more detailed approach to that training is to pre-select some material of shared interest to the researchers, such as new WHO publications on malaria
- Reviewing difficulties: We welcome participants to share examples of something they have found difficult or challenging in the past so we can ground the skills sessions in concrete experiences
- Detailed written feedback is provided to each participant and a link to the video within a couple of weeks of the in-person training
The Empowerment of Rural Women and Girls and the Implications for Agricultural Sustainability, Food Security and Nutrition
Client: UNITAR
The overriding objective of this training seminar is to raise awareness of the pivotal role played by agriculture as a sector and by farmers, especially women farmers, as individuals in the quest for sustainable development. The upcoming United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 62) and its focus on rural women makes this initiative even more timely and relevant to ongoing efforts to achieve the SDGs, and in particular Goal 2 and Goal 5. Sustainable agriculture and farmers must be central to policy decisions that affect food security and nutrition. The training will be available to attendees to CSW and is jointly organized by Emerging Ag and UITAR who share a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of such agriculture and food-related trainings.
Client: Global Dairy Platform
World Milk Day was an incredible success in 2017 and 2018. Emerging Ag not only ran the global digital campaign but it also was responsible for training 250 mobilizers over the past two years, who played an active role during the day in all their timezones and markets. The mobilizers were trained to follow World Milk Day messages, manage crises in their timezones with our assistance, deal with activists. We conducted several webinars reviewing the playbooks we had developed with all the content they would be using.
In addition to World Milk Day, Emerging is on contract with the Global Dairy Platform to train a number of its CEOs and Senior Level Executives on the United Nations.
Client: International Seed Federation
Emerging ag supports ISF with their social media activities across multiple platforms. We have conducted several trainings on social media, such as:
- Social media strategy (how to develop such a strategy aligned with the association’s corporate strategy)
- Social media at events: we are currently supporting ISF training their communications team on how to use social media to promote their event, in particular their annual World Seed Congress. One of our team members will be in attendance in Australia to support and train them throughout in June.
Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) to the United Nations Committee on World Food Security, Advocacy and Diplomacy Trainings
Client: International Agri-Food Network
Emerging is the Secretariat to the International Agri Food Network and co-ordinates Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) to the UN Committee on World Food Security. As part of the secretariat services, Emerging plans and coordinates the participation of the PSM delegation of more than 100 delegates from the Agriculture sector at the annual plenary session of the Committee on World Food Security. As part of this coordination, Emerging host a number of training sessions for the delegation to equip them with tools that will allow them to engage with the diplomatic and international community on a wide variety of topics in relation to diplomatic protocol, international affairs, functioning of the United Nations system, but also in agri-business, agri-food chains, food safety standards, market access issues, and agricultural development.
Client: Community Futures Fraser Fort George
Emerging ag inc. developed five workshops for Community Futures Fort George whose current objective is focused on supporting the growth and development of agri-business opportunities in the rural region of Robson Valley, British Columbia, Canada.
The workshops include the development of all moderator speeches, presentation material, media, hands on and group exercises, and take-home material for the participants.
The individual workshops are part of a series and are focused on various stages of agri-business growth and development and guide the attendees through these. Some of the overarching topics covered include
- Understanding the opportunity for growth:
- dentifying past, current, and future Agri-Business trends
- Researching and prioritizing markets
- In depth understanding of business strategies such as diversification, innovation, partnerships and cooperatives, as well as clusters and super clusters and the development of opportunity maps
- Understanding and preparing a comprehensive marketing plan
- A special focus on Digital Marketing, including e-commerce for agri-businesses
- An introduction to value chains