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The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Jimmy Smith led an ILRI delegation to the Second High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (HLM2 GPEDC), which was held in Nairobi, Kenya 28 Nov–2 Dec 2016 (photo credit: ILRI/Susan MacMillan).

Engagement in Global Platforms

During this time, ILRI has been involved in important discussions on the development agenda, including:

  • The UN Committee on Food Security
  • The Global Panel on Economic Development
  • The Expert Group Meeting on SDG2
  • The High Level Political Forum on the SDGs

Smith participated in a panel discussion highlighting the essential role of business in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and providing guidance for how governments and development partners can support responsible, inclusive and sustainable business.

Jimmy Smith, left, takes part in a panel discussion chaired by USAID.

Donor Strategy

Addressing the long term shortfalls in development assistance for livestock is also important. Although livestock represents 40-60% of the agricultural GDP in most countries, it receives on 4% of development funding. This is despite the fact that livestock is often an early portal of entry to food production. While access to land for fields may often be expensive or difficult to obtain, having a cow or a chicken can mean food for the household and regular income without waiting for harvest. With this in mind, we prepared a donor strategy for the GLAD project that intersects with the pressing issues of climate change, women in agriculture, and social stability.

Please see the ILRI blog for more information: Livestock opportunities for responsible, inclusive and sustainable business-for-development partnerships

DFID/UKAid fund British, ILRI, African genetics research to advance African livestock development

‘. . . International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt announced the new UK aid research, which is being carried out by international organisation, CGIAR, during a joint visit to the University of Edinburgh with Bill Gates.

‘The Bill & and Melinda Gates Foundation is an important partner in international research and announced further investment in UK based livestock R&D during the visit. . . .

Unpredictable flooding, plant diseases and drought are threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of farmers in Africa who struggle to grow enough crops to put food on the table—the urgency of the task is clear.
That’s why UK aid is supporting British scientists to develop new crops that are more productive, more nutritious and more resistant to droughts and flooding, as well as creating new medicines to protect cattle and poultry from devastating disease.
This transformative UK aid research will not only stop diseases from destroying the livelihoods of African farmers, it will also help control livestock diseases on British farms.
—UK International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt

‘New ideas, cutting edge science and innovative partnerships with organisations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will help Britain create a healthier, more secure and prosperous world for us all.

Please see the ILRI blog for more information: DFID/UKAid fund British, ILRI, African genetics research to advance African livestock development

Stefanie Hyde

With a passion for creativity, marketing and communications, Stefanie contributes to Emerging’s online communications and brand management, develops graphic visuals, and provides communications support to Emerging and its valued clients. Stefanie has grown up in a family with a long history in agriculture. Her family roots and exposure to farming and agri-business has nurtured a natural love for the industry and the wonderful people who work in it. Prior to joining Emerging, she has gained career experience working with Parks Canada in a Promotions and New Media role and developed skills including videography, advertising, marketing, social media and graphic design. Stefanie is a Canadian national and speaks both French and English. She graduated from Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, with a Bachelors Degree of Design. Stefanie attended the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology where she specialized in Sustainable Communications which included sustainable design, communications and marketing. Stefanie has spent time living in both Denmark and Rome, and is currently based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

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