The DSI Scientific Network
The DSI Scientific Network’s mission is to contribute to policymakers and other stakeholders’ understanding of Digital Sequence Information (DSI), its applications and contributions to research supporting biodiversity conservation and public health, as well as the global benefits of open access to DSI databases. The Network aims to be the “voice” of the scientific community in the international policy debate surrounding DSI.
Members recognize that it is crucial to find a solution that balances the value of DSI open access for researchers with the importance of benefit sharing from DSI, including monetary benefits. They are responsible for the Network’s strategic direction and substantive elements of the outputs and activities.
Emerging Ag acts as the Network’ secretariat, having a coordinating and logistical role. Since the Network was created in 2020, Emerging has facilitated several activities, including the organisation of webinars and panel discussions, members’ engagement in international policy debates and the development of strategic communication tools.