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The clear articulation of an organization’s goals to all stakeholders is often one of the most overlooked but most important aspects of its communication efforts. Emerging helps you get to the root of what you do, want to do, and the ways to share those goals with others.

Social media is an essential tool for building campaigns and increasing brand awareness. With millions of users across multiple platforms, social media is a way to interact with your audience and showcase your work. Emerging has experience managing multiple platforms and attaining large followings, including POGA’s Avena Canadiense Facebook page, and managing the social promotions of the World Seed Congress through their FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn channels.

Digital campaigns have the ability to raise awareness of products, brands, and key messages. Through dynamic messaging and engaging content, digital campaigns are a way to connect with consumers and start a conversation. Emerging works to create compelling campaigns through targeted messaging and creative imagery to connect with consumers and raise awareness.

Sometimes bad things happen to good organizations. How you handle them can make the difference between a minor setback and a major catastrophe. Having a clearly defined protocol and areas of responsibility when dealing with a situation is your first line of defence; putting your plan into action is the second. Emerging can help with both. For our clients, we can prepare mock crisis training because preparing for crises is the first step for prevention. We also support our clients during crises, when they cannot be avoided.

Emerging ag is uniquely positioned to provide a number of trainings relating to media, public affairs, market access, and communications.

Public Affairs

Emerging ag has experience in advocacy at the international and regional levels. Emerging ag has clear understanding of current and emerging issues in the global agriculture, food, nutrition and health sectors. Our services include, for instance, the mapping of UN bodies and responsibilities and strategies for advocacy and engagement.

Few issues are solved through unilateral action. Identifying and bringing all stakeholders to the table is essential in formulating a positive and viable outcome. We also know that managing differing opinions and goals can be challenging. Emerging excels at finding common ground and building consensus.

Emerging specializes in identifying potential partnerships for organizations with common challenges and interests, and negotiating the scope and distribution of responsibilities in the created coalition. Emerging has strong ties to other agricultural groups, associations, research institutions and foundations engaged in food security and nutrition issues.

Your reputation is among your most valuable assets. In today’s world of connectivity, it can change in a heartbeat. Reputation studies can help an organization understand its position, improve its actions, and better express itself to the outside world. Your social presence plays a powerful role in where your company or campaign sit in the public eye. Emerging can offer the analysis, insight and tools to expand to a global audience.

Your organization’s ability to operate can be greatly affected by legislation, regulation and multilateral texts enacted by governments that may not have a complete understanding of the issues and impact of their actions. Emerging will help you get your voice is heard and your interests communicated and hopefully protected. Emerging has extensive experience helping associations with issues related to governance (setting up new Articles of Associations and By-Laws) and process development (helping organize sectors, e.g: cotton sector in Azerbaijan).

Emerging has many key relationships to help further your work. These include:

Relationships at the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Italy  – through working in the FAO milieu, we know both agency staff and representatives of the member states.  Emerging serves as the secretariat to the International Agri-Food Network and co-ordinator of the Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) to the UN Committee on Food Security.  Emerging team member, Brian Baldwin, is based in Rome, and is part of the IAFN/PSM. He is a former IFAD staff members, who has worked his whole career for development organizations.

Relationships at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York – Having been the Main Representative to the UN for World Farmers Organization and led the Business and Industry major group through the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) Emerging played a key role in securing Sustainable Development Goal 2 on eradicating hunger and malnutrition. Emerging contributes annually to the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development in charge of monitoring the implementation of the SDGs.

Relationships at the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya – Emerging provides Secretariat services to the Global Business Alliance for the Environment (GBA4E), coordinating the participation of the private sector in UNEP activities, in particular at the UN Environment Assembly. Emerging team member, Mumbi Munene, is based in Nairobi coordinating UNEP activities.


The impact of agricultural activities on the environment is under intense public scrutiny. It is imperative for any organization operating in the sector to have a firm understanding of its impact on the world and to have a sustainability plan in place to address this emerging issue.

Your activities have an effect on the social fabric of the areas in which you work, and the world as a whole. Emerging can help you define, prioritize and communicate the social impact your organization has on the people and places in which you operate.

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