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Key Takeaways from the IAFN-PSM Annual General Meetings

On the 6th and 7th of July, the International Agri-Food Network (IAFN) and Private Sector Mechanism (PSM), respectively, hosted their Annual General Meetings. The meetings were held in a hybrid mode, with the in-person portion taking place in Rome.

Over the two days, a series of events were hosted including the AGM meetings, four bilateral meetings, and internal topic-specific discussions regarding the UNFCCC held in June, the Food System Summit Stocktaking Moment to be held from 24th to 26th of July and the World Food Forum planned for October in Rome.  It was a busy week for the 21 private sector delegates in Rome, some of which were also accredited to participate in the FAO Conference held during the same week. 

Rosemary Navarrete

Rosemary Navarrete is Director of Stakeholder Engagement at Emerging. She has over 15 years of experience in strategic engagement across UN Agencies and IGOs on international issues related to food and agriculture, trade and market access, legal and judicial reform policies. A key area of expertise Rosemary brings to these issues is her in-depth knowledge of the governance of the relevant UN and international bodies.

Before joining the team at Emerging, she worked as an Agriculture Adviser for the Minister Counsellor for the Department of Agriculture-Australia, posted to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization-Rome. Prior to that she drafted, submitted, and managed EU-funded projects, including those focused on judicial and legal reform for the International Development Law Organization and academia.

Rosemary is a U.S. lawyer who has lived and worked in Rome for over 20 years in the international legal, academia and UN sectors. She holds a master’s in development economics, Juris Doctor in Law, and B.A. in political science, with a specialization in gender and environmental studies.

As a Colombian American, Rosemary is a native English and Spanish speaker also fluent in Italian.

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