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Food Systems Summit

The UN Food Systems Summit took place on September 23rd-24th, 2021 under the auspices of the UN General Assembly. Billed as “The People’s Summit” and “A Solutions Summit,” it recognizes that food systems touch all of society, and all stakeholders.

The Summit’s intention was to dramatically elevate public discourse about the importance of food systems to the achievement of the SDGs; drive action with measurable outcomes that enable achievement of the 2030 goals; establish a high-level set of principles that will guide Member States and other stakeholders to leverage their food systems capacity to support the SDGs; and creation of a system for follow-up and review that will drive new actions and results and new metrics for impact analysis.

The Summit was guided by five Action Tracks, each Action Track also has three subgroups. Each Action Track is led by a leadership team that includes a Rome based agency, scientists and other experts. Other leadership groups include Special Envoy MS. Agnes Kalibata, an Advisory Group, Scientific Committee, UN Task Force, Champions Network, Private Sector Guiding Group and Secretariat.

Ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all

a. Zero hunger
b. Access to nutritious food
c. Safe food


Shift to sustainable consumption patterns

a. Food waste
b. Food demand
c. Food Environments


Boost nature-positive production

a. Protect
b. Manage
c. Restore

Advance equitable livelihoods

a. Empowering people
b. Inclusive policies and productivity
c. Fair share


Build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stress 

a. Economic resilience – being equitable and inclusive
b. Social resilience – producing broad-based benefits for all people
c. Environmental resilience – generating positive and regenerative impacts on the natural environment

As part of the global initiative companies and individuals were able to submit gamechanging programs they are currently working on that will contribute to the achievement of the Action Tracks and the SDGs. Hundreds were submitted and the leadership teams selected programs that aligned with the Action Track subgroups.

Throughout the first quarter of 2021 a series of dialogues took place around the world. There were three different types of dialogues; Member State, Independent, and Global. Hundreds of dialogues took place allowing for people from all walks of life to contribute to the Action Tracks and goals of the Summit. Anyone can also support the Summit process now by using this social media toolkit and join the movement towards safe, equitable and sustainable food systems around the world

A Pre-Summit was hosted by the Government of Italy from 19 – 21 July. The Pre-Summit took place at the ministerial level.

Emerging ag represented a series of clients in both individual capacities as well as members of the Private Sector Mechanism, by advocating for their individual initiatives and ensuring participation opportunities become available. Team members have gained seats on all Action Track leadership teams and are intimately involved in decision processes.

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