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Digital Agriculture Association

Digital agriculture is emerging as one of the most exciting new innovation spaces in the food and agriculture sector. There is a high level of interest from consumers, investors and policymakers in the potential of this new approach to help deliver a sustainable and secure food supply. While there is a lot of positive interest in this field, there also are several policy and regulatory issues that companies will need to address to ensure they are able to grow and maintain their license to operate. These include topics such as privacy and data use policies, intellectual property, technology transfer, and public perceptions of benefits. The Digital Agriculture Association aims to bring the voice of the private sector to these prevailing issues and nurture an ecosystem for organizations working in the digital agriculture space for increased cooperation.

Emerging ag is providing Secretariat services for the Digital Agriculture Association.


The Association will draw membership from private sector companies and academic institutions collecting and storing information on primary agriculture, working across different regions around the world in both large-scale farming and small-scale production.

Why Join?

  • Monitor fast changing policy and legislative environments
  • Identify emerging issues impacting your business
  • Network with companies in the digital agriculture space
  • Get visibility for your sector and your company in the United Nations
  • Have position papers to share with key stakeholders
  • Have a group representing you, protecting you and giving voice and visibility to your work
We invite all private sector companies working in the digital agriculture space to become a member in one of these categories:

Become a member today, contact Bibi Ally at

Learn more about the association:

Advisory Council of the Digital Agriculture Association

The Digital Agriculture Association has created an Advisory Council. It is designed to foster co-operation, expertise, and technical collaboration to advance digital agriculture. Advisory Council members are welcome to work on projects and initiatives of the association but do not hold voting rights. If you are an academic institution or know of an academic institution that would be interested in participating in this Advisory Council, please write to Bibi Ally at

Advisory Council members must be approved by the Board.

The parameters to participate in this Advisory Council are as follows:

  • It is open to research institutions
  • Members of the Advisory Council do not pay membership dues
  • Advisory Council are not voting members of the association


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